MEH, since its inception has been involved in the health sector, providing technical assistance in projects large and small. Our involvement in the health sector is very varied, ranging from surveys, trainings and training manual development, procurement assistance, to equipment maintenance support, and support in integrating appropriate technology. We use this variance to our strength, as it helps us understand the health system of Nepal better, and gives us an edge over our competition as we can provide holistic solutions, factoring in many of the intricacies of the system.
As a consortium partner of EPOS Health Management, Germany, MEH is supporting Government of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) in the procurement and logistics management of health sector commodities, and in particular, essential drugs, contraceptive and medical and non-medical equipment. The same consortium of consultants are involved in the Executive Procurement support under NHSP I & II. MEH consultants as a home based consulting group has been continuously involved with the DoHS, in particular with the Family Health Division (FHD) and Logistics Management Division (LMD) in the annual commodity forecasting, preparing procurement plans, bidding document preparation and bid evaluation, and introduction of Pull System of supply management.
Since 2009, MEH Consultants has also supporting GoN in implementation of KfW supported programme- contracting out of maintenance of biomedical commodities in all 28 districts of mid and far western region. Besides, its experts have also been involved in supporting GoN in developing and revising national policies and protocols in Family planning, National health policies, etc.
MEH and its international partners EPOS and Mediconsult have also supported GIZ, in implementation of its two components- Community Based Drug management Program (2001- 2003) and Reproductive Health Program (2005-2007). MEH, in association with Swiss Centre for International Health, has also offered its services to GIZ in “Reviewing Community Based Health Insurance in Nepal (2011)” and “Essential Drug Procurement and Supply Management System in Nepal, Options for Improvement, 2009”. “Revision of National Health Policy 1991 in the context of mid-western region” and “Revision of Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health training manual” are some of the other services offered by MEH to GIZ.
We are registered with The World Bank, Asian Development Bank and other Donors and have a working relationship with other international organizations.