Engineering                     Health             Information System


Infrastructure and Natural Resources Sector--High quality infrastructure – power, water, sanitation, and transportation – is essential to economic activity, productivity growth, job creation. Investing in infrastructure is an effective response to a low-growth environment, as it is both a short-term fiscal stimulus during the construction phase and a driver of longer-term growth through its impact on productivity in the broader economy. MEH Consultants has steadily expanded infrastructure business over the past several years, as a number of high impact, transformational projects have come to fruition. To view all the infrastructure projects, you can click here.


Health, Environment and Community Development Sector--Health and wellness are influenced by the places in which people live, learn, work, and play. Communities, including homes, schools, public spaces, and work sites, can be transformed to support well-being and make healthy choices easy and affordable. Healthy and safe community environments include those with clean air and water, affordable and secure housing, sustainable and economically vital neighborhoods. MEH has bought together diverse partners and promoted strong cross-sector participation in planning, implementing, and evaluating community health efforts. Also MEH has implemented processes to ensure that people are actively engaged in decisions that affect health. To download all the health projects, click here.


Water Resources Sector--Water resources are natural resources of water that are potentially useful. Uses of water include agriculture, industrial, household, recreational and environmental activities. All living things require water to grow and reproduce. MEH has done several projects in irrigation, maintaining sanitary program, hydropower projects and much more. to view the water resouces projects, click here.


Energy Sector--Nepal has no known major oil, gas, or coal reserves, and its position in the Himalayas makes it hard to reach remote and extremely remote communities. Electricity supply is limited to 43.6 % of the population (2009) which live mainly in urban areas. Only 8 % of people in rural areas have access to electricity. The low level of electrification hampers both economic development and access to information and education in rural areas. Many projects including Rural Electrification, management of transformers, detailed feasibility and IEE study of multiple hydropower as well as promotion of local hydropower are carried out by MEH. To view all the energy related projects, click here.