Optimum utilization of expertise and resources available within the company has enabled the company to undertake the works in the various sectors like;hydropower,  rural development, transportation, urban development, environmental, water supply and sanitation, construction management, socio-economic sectors etc. to the following Clients. 

a. Our Clients 

MEH  has provided consulting services to most of the departments and corporate agencies of Government of Nepal.


b. Our  Partners 

The experience to work together with national and international agencies, international partners, expatriate consulting firms and individual professionals has given us enough opportunities to learn and build capacity and to handle development projects efficiently as per the international standards.

The company has been working together with number of national and international consulting firms as listed below:

International Consulting Firms

National Consulting Firms

Arbind Gupta Associates Pvt. Ltd. India

Auto Carto Consult (P) Ltd.

Binnie Thames Water, UK

CEMAT Consultants (P) Ltd.

Black & Veatch, UK

CERC Pvt. Ltd.

EPOS Health Consultants, Germany

CIS Pvt. Ltd.

GOPA Consultants, Germany

Civil Informatics &Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Lahmeyer International, Germany

Engineer’s Trainer Associates (P) Ltd.

Maunsell Philippines, Inc

Environmental Research Management Consultants (P) Ltd.

Mediconsult Planning & Consulting Services, Malaysia

Everest Engineering Consultancy (P) Ltd.

Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., USA

Group of Engineers Consultants (P) Ltd.

Mott Macdonald International, UK

Hydro Trans (P) Ltd.

Nippon Koei Co. Ltd., Japan

IDRS Pvt. Ltd.

SPAN Consultants (P) Ltd, India

ITECO Nepal (P) Ltd.

Morphehenesis (Civil Interior) (P) Ltd., Delhi

K. B. Chitrakar & Co

M.J. Consultants (MEP), Delhi, India 

Legal Consultancy & Services (Pvt) Ltd

Envee Engineering, Delhi, India 

M L Kayastha & Associates

Sharma & Associates, Delhi, India

MegaSys Consultants (P) Ltd.

Ramboll UK Limited, London, UK

John Sandy Associates

MULTI Disciplinary Consultants (P) Ltd.

Mutual Engineering Consultancy (P) Ltd.


Multi Lab (P) Ltd.


Nepal Rainbow Engineering


Nepalconsult (P) Ltd




New Era (P) Ltd


Pyakurel & Associates Pvt. Ltd.


RECON Pvt. Ltd.


Remote Area Development Engineering Consultancy (P) Ltd.


Rural Infrastructure Development Consultancy (P) Ltd.


SASCON Pvt. Ltd.


Shrestha Consultant Pvt. Ltd.


SILT Consultants (P) Ltd


Soil Test (P) Ltd.


Sub-Structural Consult (P) Ltd


Sworaj Consultant Pvt. Ltd.


Team Nepal (P) Ltd.


Tulsi Engineering Consultancy (P) Ltd.


Welink Consultants (P) Ltd.


TMS Pvt. Ltd.